Can I cancel an order?
Yes. You can cancel an order by sending an email to indicating the order number (which you will find in the confirmation email) and your intention to cancel it.
It is not possible to cancel an order that has already been shipped.
If you have made the payment you will be refunded the entire sum within 30 days of cancellation.
What can I do if the item I want is out of stock?
You can contact us via the appropriate form directly from our website or by writing an email to indicating the code of the item you are interested in: our offices are at your complete disposal to find a solution.
Does filling the cart force me to purchase?
No. You can place all the items you want in the cart and calmly decide whether to complete the order.
How do I place an order?
Choose the product you wish to purchase and select the “add to cart” button. Repeat this step for all the items you are interested in: you can find the cart summary by clicking on the icon at the top right.
Select the “Proceed with order” button and enter your details, or log in. You are already registered on our site.
Select the type of payment and complete the order by clicking on the button below.
If the order is successful you will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your purchase.
If you do not receive any email, check that the address entered during registration is correct or that the email has not gone to the Spam folder of your email.
For any support do not hesitate to contact us at
How long does it take from order to shipment?
Orders are normally handled within 2 working days of receiving payment and during office hours (from approximately 9am to 5pm).
Orders placed on public holidays, weekends or after 5pm are processed the following working day.
However, we are committed to processing orders the same day, when possible: orders arriving after 12.00 are still entrusted to the courier the following day.
How can I view the status of my order?
You can check the status of your current order and view past ones by logging into your account in the Orders section. If you are not registered or need clarification you can contact us at or on 0731-267474.
Is there a limit to the quantity of products I can purchase?
No. There is no limit to the items that can be purchased.
Can I change an order?
Yes. You can modify your order until it is shipped, after which it cannot be modified.
To do so, contact us directly on 0731-267474 or email indicating the order number to be modified and what changes you want to make: our sales department will do everything possible to satisfy your request and recalculate the amount of your order.
Do you have a specific question or didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Fill out the contact form or contact us directly on 0731-267474 or email
Our offices will respond to you quickly.